Sunday, August 16, 2009

So what`s this business about a ToolBox Method?

So I was sitting around with my friend’s really young daughter one day. And of course, I asked her who her favourite cartoon character was. She gave me two answers: Dora the Explorer and Bob the Builder. These are two very popular kids shows among our youngest children. For those of you who don’t know who Bob the Builder is, he’s just a friendly cartoon character named Bob and he builds things. But what I remember about Bob the Builder the most is that he always carried with him a tool box full of useful tools.And that is where I drew my inspiration for the highly revered teaching concept I dubbed the “ToolBox Method.” My students always ask me why I found CHEM 233 easy and how did I do well in it. Well, to tell you the truth, I never found it easy. I can only say it was easy now that I’m done with it and I succeeded, but I had to struggle thru it just like anybody else had to back then. So, I sat down one day and thought about exactly what was going through my mind in 2nd year when I was studying this course in particular. And I actually came up with something that anyone could use. You’d be surprised that you don’t need to be a genius to make this work for you. The ToolBox method is a pretty systematic and universal approach that most students can master and use to their advantage. One of my students said he could make his own tool box and doubted what I was doing was anything different, but after he attended my lesson (I usually wrap up everything with the final lesson on this ToolBox Method), he realized it was well worth his time to listen in on my mentality. So of course, I’m not going to give it away here. If you want to see the ToolBox method in action for yourself, register yourself for the CHEM 233 Continuous Tutoring Program!

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